Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wants vs. Musts

So it's been a while.

There are a ton of things I really want to do.  I really want to write a long post about everything that has been going on.  I really want to spend some time creating healthy "emergency meals" that I can use when I don't want to think.  I really want to eat better and stop relying on fast food so much because it's quick and convenient.  I really want to start cooking more.  I really want to make a chart or something to record my exercise progress and motivate me to keep it up.  I really want to post on all the blogs I follow so that they know I'm still around.  I really want to not work and fill my free time with these and many other things.  I really, really do.

However, life gets in my way.  Some of the musts were good thing that I enjoyed like travel, but there are other things I'd definitely rather not do.  Unfortunately, there are some things I must do right now that are really getting in the way of me doing all the things I want.  While I never promised daily posts (I had a feeling life would get in the way), I was hoping to be a little more regular than this; I guess I still have some work to do.  So please excuse me while I tend to some things; I'll be back soon. 

How do you handle the want-tos vs. the must-dos?  How does life get in your way and how do you get around it?


  1. aah, sigh, yes, the musts...in the past there were lists, formulations, things checked off..and sometimes a want would get on the list as a must.

  2. A Want on the Must list, what a great idea! So often, I don't let myself do the wants until the musts are done. That's a sneaky way to get both.=) Even though I'm exhausted, I'm going to get out my list, add a want to it, and schedule it on my calendar to make sure that I actually do it.
