Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Milk it for all it's worth

That's exactly what I'm going to do.

So in my quest for motivation, I stumbled upon this group.  It sounded perfect.  For a small fee, you could join this 12-week program and lose weight.  Each week there would be a meeting where a different topic would be covered in order to learn how to live a healthier life.  There would be weekly weigh-ins and a registered dietician (the person running it) would also call you weekly for a consultation in addition to the meeting each week.  The person that lost the most weight won a prize too.  It sounded too good to be true.  I knew there was probably a catch, but I decided to try it anyway.  I figured it was another way to hold me accountable and hopefully the information alone would be worth the fee I paid.

A few weeks ago, I went to the first meeting and discovered the catch.  The dietician just happens to be a salesperson for a company that makes various herbal supplements and protein products.  So she (and the literature she provides) is constantly referencing the products.  I went home that night and did a little research; apparently, this is one of the ways that the company suggests salespeople build up clients.  Now, it really bothers me that people are making money by brainwashing others who are desperate to lose weight.  Some of the people in the group have done the 12-week sessions multiple times and are still trying to lose weight!  I'm not trying to say the products are bad; I'm just irritated that they never mentioned the company in the description of the program.

That being said, I'm going to milk it for all it's worth.  I will take the information with a grain of salt and do my own research to see if it is legitimate.  I also plan to really work the dietician and see if I can get her to give me the advice promised in the description.  I'll take the free samples of her products and if I can't find anything better, I might buy it, but then again, I might not buy one darn thing the whole time.  But the part that will benefit me most is the accountability.  Each week, I have to step on that scale and record my weight.  It will be worth it for that aspect if nothing else.  I don't regret signing up, but I can tell you that you won't catch me signing up for a second round.

I guess the moral of the story is that if something seems too good to be true, make sure you do your research.  So my friend, what are you doing to lose weight and keep yourself accountable?  Have you ever had an experience with something too good to be true?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What's that law of physics that has to do with an object at rest?

Isn't it something like it stays at rest?

Well, that's been me for most of the last year.  I have a hard time with motivation.  In my mind, I knew that I needed to exercise.  Everything I read said that I needed to exercise.  My doctor told me that I needed to exercise.  Still, I couldn't motivate myself to get going. 

I had a feeling that once I started I would be fine, but the starting was the hardest part.  I had every excuse in the book.  It's too hot.  It's too cold.  I'm too tired.  It takes too long to go to the gym.  I don't have any time.  It's too late.  It's too early.  I need to start on a Friday.  I need to start on a Monday.  I'll start after this vacation.  I don't feel like it.

I asked for advice on motivation from friends and I looked up information online, but none of it was helpful.  Just do it.  Don't give yourself permission to do anything else until it's done.  Put your workout clothes/shoes out as a reminder.  Think about how good you'll feel after it's done.  Schedule an appointment with yourself.  Find a workout partner.  None of it seemed to motivate me.

The last idea stuck with me though.  Find a workout partner.  Knowing myself, I know that I wouldn't stand another person up and I have too much pride to quit if someone was watching depending on me.  So I tried various ways to find a workout partner, but to no avail.  I don't remember exactly how the idea came to me, but I thought to look into the blog world.  Of course, I found so many other women who are going/went through the same thing. 

Being a little shy and a bit of a scaredy cat, I wasn't so sure if blogging was the right way to go.  So when I created my blog, some deep down part of me jumped in feet first and left my brain to worry about it later.  Then I spent time reading the success stories of those who learned to live a healthy life and who shared it through blogging; it really inspired me.  I spent a few days reading various blogs- women who got healthy, women who continually struggle with it, and women who are just beginning the process. 

Finally something clicked and I thought that if they could attempt to get healthy and share all the gory details in their blogs, I could too.  (Though, I don't want my blog to be ONLY about health and fitness.)  But first, I had to start.  Even though it was a Monday (or because it was one), and even though it was too hot, too late, and I didn't feel like it, I forced myself to go to the gym.  Once I got there, I was fine, just like I knew that I would be and I'll probably keep with it because I'm following the C25K and I won't want to mess it up.

So I would like to say thank you to all of you bloggers who have the courage to share your story and inspire someone like me.  (Maybe at some point, I'll be able to say that I did the same.)  I wish you well on your journey to a healthy life.

So, my friends, it's all about motivation.  What is your motivation to live a healthy life?  What gets in the way of your motivation?  What do you do when you can't get motivated?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?

To be honest, I am and I'm not sure why.  No, I'm not really scared of the big bad wolf, but in general, I'm a scaredy cat.  Whether I like it or not, I tend to be scared of a lot of things.  Now, I'm not really talking about horror movie scary; though, I never really did like those.  I'm thinking more along the lines of subconcious fear; things like fear of change, fear of rejection, fear of failure, and maybe even fear of success.  Starting a blog is a huge, scary step as I mentioned in my previous post.  But I finally decided that I need to overcome my fears in order to live a more happy life and I decided to blog as a way to sort things out and maybe get some advice along the way.  So wish me luck as I battle my big, bad wolves.

So my friend, what are your thoughts about fear?  What do you do to challenge your fears?

p.s. I'm a grammar nut (mostly in my own writing) and for some reason I decided to hyphenate "girl talk" in my last post.  I know that there is no hyphen and I have no idea what I was thinking.  I blame it on the early (or late depending on your way of thinking) time of the post.  It was really bugging me so I had to correct myself; like I said, I'm a grammar nut.  =)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Kid on the Block

So, I keep hearing different things about the Blog world.  Some people say that it's a wonderful, welcoming community.  Others say that bloggers are slow to warm up to newbies and tend to stick to those they know. 

I must say, it scares the crap out of me.  Will people read what I have to say?  Will anyone care?  Will I keep up with it?  In any case, I decided to hurdle my fear and give it a shot.

I'm looking for a community that will offer me support and insight.  Don't get me wrong; I have wonderful friends and family, but it seems like everyone gets so bogged down in their own life that no one has time anymore for "girl-talk."  I miss girl-talk and I was hoping that you would like to join me for a chat.  If not, I guess I'll talk to myself for a while and that might not be so bad. =)

So, my friend, what brought you to the blogging world?  How do you feel about your part in it?